Mobula Ray


Mobula Ray - Tactical Medium Neo-Human Fighter Ship by Sothis/Osiris

Mobula Rays are tactical and deadly fighters. They are completely invisible to any kind of radars and detection systems and can be cloaked to become completely invisible to eyes. The only trail they leave is actually sound, but in space there is no air and thus, no sound. In planet missions; however, pilots must be careful and should not wander too close to the enemy if they want to avoid detection.

Mobula Ray originally designed by Iset the Mother, but the work completed by Sothis in Osiris' shipyard. The only production facility that can manufacture these deadly beauties is in Osiris. Therefore Mobula Rays are extremely rare and prized ships.

The technologies bestowed by Iset made Mobula Ray one of the few fighter ships with artificial gravity functionality. This makes even longest journeys in Mobula a joyous experience. The ship utilizes two propulsion mechanisms; antimatter engines and ion engines. It is arsenal is also quite deadly with its various energy weapons, tactical missiles and flares as a defensive countermeasure.

Mobula Ray can host 2 pilots and 6 passengers. 1 pilot is enough to operate the ship, however, thanks to its advanced AI co-pilot. It has no droppod carry capability and like almost every other medium to small ship, it cannot utilize any FTL travel.

  • Unlock Mobula Ray, a fully playable spaceship in the game.
  • Mobula Rays can only be engineered in Osiris and require rare components to craft. This makes Mobula Ray a rare ship.
  • Stealth ability of this ship makes it an excellent vessel to travel safely and without interception risk to territories and zones that are under corporations' influence or enemy control.
  • Holders of Mobula Ray will receive a special Discord role
  • Holders of Mobula Ray will be also eligible to join "Gifts from Angels" campaign. Gifts from Angels is a series of airdrops, happening occasionally, and airdropping exciting surprises to some who are eligible.

Mobula Ray


Mobula Ray - Tactical Medium Neo-Human Fighter Ship by Sothis/Osiris

Mobula Rays are tactical medium deadly fighters. They are completely invisible to any kind of radars and detection systems and can be cloaked to become completely invisible to eyes. The only trail they leave is actually sound, but in space there is no air and thus, no sound. In planet missions; however, pilots must be careful and should not wander too close to the enemy if they want to avoid detection.

Mobula Ray originally designed by Iset the Mother, but the work completed by Sothis in Osiris' shipyard. The only production facility that can manufacture these deadly beauties is in Osiris. Therefore Mobula Rays are extremely rare and prized ships.

The technologies bestowed by Iset made Mobula Ray one of the few fighter ships with artificial gravity functionality. This makes even longest journeys in Mobula a joyous experience. The ship utilizes two propulsion mechanisms; antimatter engines and ion engines. It is arsenal is also quite deadly with its various energy weapons, tactical missiles and flares as a defensive countermeasure.

Mobula Ray can host 2 pilots and 6 passengers. 1 pilot is enough to operate the ship, however, thanks to its advanced AI co-pilot. It has no droppod carry capability and like almost every other medium to small ship, it cannot utilize any FTL travel.

Utilities of the NFT

  • Unlock Mobula Ray, a fully playable spaceship in the game.
  • Mobula Rays can only be engineered in Osiris and require rare components to craft. This makes Mobula Ray a rare ship.
  • Stealth ability of this ship makes it an excellent vessel to travel safely and without interception risk to territories and zones that are under corporations' influence or enemy control.
  • Holders of Mobula Ray will receive a special Discord role
  • Holders of Mobula Ray will be also eligible to join "Gifts from Angels" campaign. Gifts from Angels is a never-ending series of airdrops, happening occasionally, and airdropping exciting surprises to some who are eligible.
  • Mobula Ray is a special NFT. Metaverse Game Studios will not directly sell this NFT.


Preview Gallery

ANA Daemon 7

Mobula Ray