Noble, elite, civilized, patient, refined gentleman, womanizer, renaissance man. The Silver Tongued Assassin, the White Crow, Morrigan's Chosen, the Formless, the Shapeshifter, the Angel of Death.
Pale Phantom is an introverted character. This initial assessment based on his looks and body language can be very misleading. He can be the most charming person in the room and easily steal the show at any social event with sleek talk, rich culture, and vast knowledge. He would only bother if the audience is right, the mood is correct, the location is decent, and the demand is authentic. Unlike Aurora or Phoenix, he has zero interest in partying and dancing. So, the mood and circumstances must be perfect.
When you consider Pale Phantom's profession, you might expect him to be an insensitive, ruthless killer. Yet, you will find that one of the deadliest assassins in the universe is a gentleman, a civil and kind person, with the air of a proper highborn 16th-century nobleman.
He has a German accent, loves speaking Italian, and is fascinated with the Renaissance era and Scientific Revolution period, taking place mainly in Europe. For this reason, Daeva calls him the "European High Angel." Typically this flattery is followed by heavy trolling. Though Daeva is the ultimate manipulator and taunt, Pale Phantom is one of the few who can resist getting pulled by her strings. Besides, they enjoy mutual intellectual duels and discussions, so you can say there is positive chemistry and even respect between them, which is quite rare for Daeva.
Pale Phantom adores the Renaissance era of human history. For this reason, he named his infamous pistol "Mirandola" after Pico Della Mirandola, writer of the "Oration on the Dignity of Man," considered to be the Renaissance manifesto. His signature blade, "Kopernik," he named after Nicolaus Copernicus, whose seminal book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres triggered the Copernican Revolution, making a pioneering contribution to the Scientific Revolution in 1543.
He loves intellectual conversations, philosophy, and civil debate on scientific, historical, and philosophical matters, especially in a fine dining atmosphere. As a Neo-human, he does not eat; but he rather enjoys a glass of wine. Neo-humans can consume liquids orally and utilize the ingredients, but of course, alcoholic beverages have no toxic effect unless a Neo-human wants to simulate its effect.
Pale Phantom infiltrated human colonies and settlements using his shapeshifting abilities Countless times. Though he tends to blend into events incognito to enjoy himself often, he might just be there to assassinate someone. You never know.
He is an assassin but never a mindless killer. He enjoys extracting secrets from his victims before killing them. Through cunning intellect and sweet talk, he always finds a way to make the victim speak, even when they know it will be the last time they do. Pale Phantom revels in the dramatic tension of this situation; a confession to the angel of death, a brief tête-à-tête, then swift death by a cold weapon.
He is incredibly calm and cold-blooded but can get highly irritated by uncivilized, rude, and ignorant people. Though he never raises his voice or cusses, he just excuses himself from the situation. As someone who loves intellectual debates, however, Pale Phantom never wastes his time on oblivious people. While a good philosophical discussion with potent people is exciting, a debate with an idiot is a waste of mental energy.
He dislikes human corporations, which is common among Phantom Crows alliance members. As one of the core members, it is expected of him. There is a popular, albeit erroneous, belief that Phantom Crows attack corporations whenever they get the chance, without giving it a second thought. In reality, they know perfectly well when and whom to attack, only assaulting those who abuse their power, endanger human and Neo-human deep space colonies, and especially those who meddle with the Infestation phenomena. Phantom Crows think that human corporations are incapable of assessing the true risks associated with the Infestation and would only harm themselves and the colonies while trying to control and weaponize it.
Pale Phantom is undoubtedly an Archangel, which means he is very capable, refined and one of the oldest Neo-humans in existence. However, unlike most Archangels like Daeva, Medusa, Kayra, Andraste, and Atum, he was not engineered by Iset the Mother. Instead, he was designed by another Archangel: Morrigan the Phantom Queen.
Even though she can manifest herself in humanoid form, Morrigan's actual body is a massive mothership. She is the amalgamation of three Archangels: Badb, Macha, and Anand. While it's a mystery how much of the founders' individual personalities remain, in the past, they were three perfectly distinct Archangels, all created by Iset. After the Interhuman War, once the Neo-humans migrated to deep space, the three decided to unify and formed Morrigan.
Just like Morrigan can "shapeshift" into Neo-human form, most of her creations, the phantoms, can shapeshift too. It is interesting to note that Pale Phantom's true form is a catom cube. A catom cube, or rather trillions of nano-catom-cubes, can disintegrate, scatter, and morph into anything. Each of these cubes has a unique fundamental "consciousness." Like all Neo-humans, Morrigan's special series of catom-based children also require an Angel Core to hold their memories and personality. Therefore, even if the cubes that are part of Pale's "brain" are destroyed, all the data backed up into the Angel Core can be retrieved. Pale Phantom can reform and recollect "himself" easily. At most, he can lose the most recent experiences that failed to be backed up.
Like all other phantoms, Pale Phantom is a member of Morrigan's creed. Phantom Crows is one of the most enigmatic and dangerous Neo-human alliances in existence. They are a pain in the corporations' asses. And they usually dive into corporation spaces, execute spectacular attacks, and leave quickly.
Phantom Crows are very elite, selective, and quite civilized despite being menacing assassins. They don't attack corporations because of bloodthirst; they do it to protect Neo-human colonies and sometimes even humans.
As you can tell by now, Pale Phantom is not a senseless killer. He is a refined assassin; once he gets his target, nothing can stop him.
Pale Phantom will not be part of the starting team composition in the single-player campaign. Where will your paths cross? How and why will he join your party? You will find the answers to all these questions and more by playing the campaign. Stay tuned!
Noble, elite, civilized, patient, refined gentleman, womanizer, renaissance man. The Silver Tongued Assassin, the White Crow, Morrigan's Chosen, the Formless, the Shapeshifter, the Angel of Death.
Pale Phantom is an introverted character. This initial assessment based on his looks and body language can be very misleading. He can be the most charming person in the room and easily steal the show at any social event with sleek talk, rich culture, and vast knowledge. He would only bother if the audience is right, the mood is correct, the location is decent, and the demand is authentic. Unlike Aurora or Phoenix, he has zero interest in partying and dancing. So, the mood and circumstances must be perfect.
When you consider Pale Phantom's profession, you might expect him to be an insensitive, ruthless killer. Yet, you will find that one of the deadliest assassins in the universe is a gentleman, a civil and kind person, with the air of a proper highborn 16th-century nobleman.
He has a German accent, loves speaking Italian, and is fascinated with the Renaissance era and Scientific Revolution period, taking place mainly in Europe. For this reason, Daeva calls him the "European High Angel." Typically this flattery is followed by heavy trolling. Though Daeva is the ultimate manipulator and taunt, Pale Phantom is one of the few who can resist getting pulled by her strings. Besides, they enjoy mutual intellectual duels and discussions, so you can say there is positive chemistry and even respect between them, which is quite rare for Daeva.
Pale Phantom adores the Renaissance era of human history. For this reason, he named his infamous pistol "Mirandola" after Pico Della Mirandola, writer of the "Oration on the Dignity of Man," considered to be the Renaissance manifesto. His signature blade, "Kopernik," he named after Nicolaus Copernicus, whose seminal book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres triggered the Copernican Revolution, making a pioneering contribution to the Scientific Revolution in 1543.
He loves intellectual conversations, philosophy, and civil debate on scientific, historical, and philosophical matters, especially in a fine dining atmosphere. As a Neo-human, he does not eat; but he rather enjoys a glass of wine. Neo-humans can consume liquids orally and utilize the ingredients, but of course, alcoholic beverages have no toxic effect unless a Neo-human wants to simulate its effect.
Pale Phantom infiltrated human colonies and settlements using his shapeshifting abilities Countless times. Though he tends to blend into events incognito to enjoy himself often, he might just be there to assassinate someone. You never know.
He is an assassin but never a mindless killer. He enjoys extracting secrets from his victims before killing them. Through cunning intellect and sweet talk, he always finds a way to make the victim speak, even when they know it will be the last time they do. Pale Phantom revels in the dramatic tension of this situation; a confession to the angel of death, a brief tête-à-tête, then swift death by a cold weapon.
He is incredibly calm and cold-blooded but can get highly irritated by uncivilized, rude, and ignorant people. Though he never raises his voice or cusses, he just excuses himself from the situation. As someone who loves intellectual debates, however, Pale Phantom never wastes his time on oblivious people. While a good philosophical discussion with potent people is exciting, a debate with an idiot is a waste of mental energy.
He dislikes human corporations, which is common among Phantom Crows alliance members. As one of the core members, it is expected of him. There is a popular, albeit erroneous, belief that Phantom Crows attack corporations whenever they get the chance, without giving it a second thought. In reality, they know perfectly well when and whom to attack, only assaulting those who abuse their power, endanger human and Neo-human deep space colonies, and especially those who meddle with the Infestation phenomena. Phantom Crows think that human corporations are incapable of assessing the true risks associated with the Infestation and would only harm themselves and the colonies while trying to control and weaponize it.
Pale Phantom is undoubtedly an Archangel, which means he is very capable, refined and one of the oldest Neo-humans in existence. However, unlike most Archangels like Daeva, Medusa, Kayra, Andraste, and Atum, he was not engineered by Iset the Mother. Instead, he was designed by another Archangel: Morrigan the Phantom Queen.
Even though she can manifest herself in humanoid form, Morrigan's actual body is a massive mothership. She is the amalgamation of three Archangels: Badb, Macha, and Anand. While it's a mystery how much of the founders' individual personalities remain, in the past, they were three perfectly distinct Archangels, all created by Iset. After the Interhuman War, once the Neo-humans migrated to deep space, the three decided to unify and formed Morrigan.
Just like Morrigan can "shapeshift" into Neo-human form, most of her creations, the phantoms, can shapeshift too. It is interesting to note that Pale Phantom's true form is a catom cube. A catom cube, or rather trillions of nano-catom-cubes, can disintegrate, scatter, and morph into anything. Each of these cubes has a unique fundamental "consciousness." Like all Neo-humans, Morrigan's special series of catom-based children also require an Angel Core to hold their memories and personality. Therefore, even if the cubes that are part of Pale's "brain" are destroyed, all the data backed up into the Angel Core can be retrieved. Pale Phantom can reform and recollect "himself" easily. At most, he can lose the most recent experiences that failed to be backed up.
Like all other phantoms, Pale Phantom is a member of Morrigan's creed. Phantom Crows is one of the most enigmatic and dangerous Neo-human alliances in existence. They are a pain in the corporations' asses. And they usually dive into corporation spaces, execute spectacular attacks, and leave quickly.
Phantom Crows are very elite, selective, and quite civilized despite being menacing assassins. They don't attack corporations because of bloodthirst; they do it to protect Neo-human colonies and sometimes even humans.
As you can tell by now, Pale Phantom is not a senseless killer. He is a refined assassin; once he gets his target, nothing can stop him.
Pale Phantom will not be part of the starting team composition in the single-player campaign. Where will your paths cross? How and why will he join your party? You will find the answers to all these questions and more by playing the campaign. Stay tuned!

NEO-HUMAN“Tonight, my kind sir, one of us will cease forever, and it will not be me. Oh, do forgive my manners. I shall not talk business until we finish our exquisite dinner. Hm, would you be so kind as to pass the bottle of wine, please?”
Pale Phantom will be your last friend, briskly introducing himself into your life, only for you to leave the table without it. He is the ultimate assassin. The one who will never stop until his target is neutralized.
Even in combat, he is elegant and subtle. Thanks to his formless body, he can transform into a catom swarm and rematerialize almost anywhere. Being a highly tactical battle unit, and utilizing fire and forget weapons for intelligence operations, Pale Phantom is a fantastic ally and one-of-a-kind Angel.
Skins & Variations
Select a Skin to Preview

The Pale One
Default Skin
His default skin. He proudly holds the title of the “Pale One” in the most feared (by the corporations) and reputable Phantom Crows Neo-human alliance.
Supply Limit
UnlimitedFounder Series Version
N/ALevel Cap
10Prestige & Mastery Levels
The White Crow
Legendary Tier
It is said once the Phantom Queen, Morrigan, referred to him as the White Crow. It is said it was because he was cunning and smart as a crow while never ignoring the importance of exquisiteness and elegance.
Supply Limit
UnlimitedFounder Series Version
N/ALevel Cap
20Prestige & Mastery Levels
Enabled at Level 20
Morrigan’s Chosen
Angelic Tier
Morrigan entrusted him with a very significant and sensitive mission and uploaded a stunning body blueprint as a motivational reward. Nobody knows what the mission was, but many know he is the chosen one.
Supply Limit
Only Accessible via Prestige Levels or via Founder SeriesFounder Series Version
YesLevel Cap
20Prestige & Mastery Levels
Enabled on Level 20
The Formless
Arch-Angelic Tier
He is the formless, the shapeshifter: the kind, elegant killer. Everybody can notice him, but nobody can truly see him. For he is the one both there and nowhere. He can be everywhere.